Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

a NEW me, it always translates as "a fresh start"

"If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one",

This was originally posted by Thérèse'n

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Little treasures

I had such a wonderful evening with Brooke. She is such a two year old now. Having a daughter is fantastic! For, singing {still jingle bells}, pizza {daddy @ a bizzy din-din}, and we used WAY TOO MUCH PAINT for an art project, then a super long bath to wash it all away. A WHOLE BOTTLE OF SOAP!

Then she is off to bed and I was off to research. Nothing gets me going more than inspiration and the excitement that is building around this. Found some great dripping trays that are perfect, given our mascot and all {birdies}

Does anyone have a great website designer they want to recommend? Please email me!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

and so it begins....

Here it goes. I am finally going to follow the dream. I am opening an art studio for small children in my home in Greenwich, CT. I have always felt that you should let the child feel their own way through the materials with out giving too much instruction or direction. Let them enjoy the experience rather than focus on the end product. Make it theirs! 

So here is a small snapshot of the studio before we do some remodeling to prepare

and here is partly the inspiration for the name of the studio "Little Birdies"...

Everytime I would paint or draw this summer in the studio with Brooke I would think of and draw/paint little birdies or get sewn birdies, or cut out get the picture.

Stay tuned...I will be posting dates for trial classes soon for late January on Fridays and Saturdays

Web site
Remodel studio for little people
Supplies/class plans
Sign up! and begin

email me if you want to be considered for the trial classes.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

About Us